
Product: Normal pentane 99% Standard: Q/LYF-2010
Index Standards Results
Density (20℃)(g/ cm3 ) 0.624 0.624
Appearance Colorless liquid Colorless liquid
Carbonal (ppm) ≤2 <2
Bromine index ≤100 No
Sulfur (ppm) ≤1 No
N-pentane (wt%) ≥99 99.06
Suspended matter No No
Aromatics  ppm ≤100 No
Butane and lighter (wt%) ≤0.5 <0.5
Hexane and heavier (wt%) ≤0.5 <0.5
Moisture   ppm ≤100 28.7
Isopentane , cyclopentane (wt%) Balance Balance

UV      220nm  0.468
           230nm  0.341
           240nm  0.130
           250nm  0.097
           254nm  0.091

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